For data management purposes the world was divided into eight energy regions corresponding approximately to the economic regions of the world as defined by the U.S. Department of State. South Asia (Region 8) is represented on this CD-ROM (see Reference Map), and includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
Each region was then further divided into geologic provinces on the basis of natural geologic entities and may include a dominant structural element or a number of contiguous elements. Some provinces contain multiple genetically related basins. Geologic province boundaries for South Asia were delineated using data from UNESCO geologic maps, and other tectonic and geographic data (see Selected References). Offshore province boundaries were defined by the 2000 meter bathymetric contour from the UNESCO geologic maps (see References). Each province was assigned a unique number; the first digit is the region number. An attempt was made to number the provinces in geographical groups; onshore, offshore, and combined on and offshore.
In South Asia, the numbering starts in the west.
This map is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the International Stratigraphic Guide.
Digital compilation - Craig J. Wandrey and Ben E. Law
Data references -
Abu, M., Bakr, M. S., and Jackson, Roy O., 1964, Rawalpindi, Geological map of Pakistan: Geological Survey of Pakistan, scale: 1:2,000,000.
Alam, M., Khurshid, Hasan, A.K.M., Shahidul, Khan, Mujibur Rahman, and Whitney, John W., 1990, Geological map of Bangladesh: Geological Survey of Bangladesh, scale: 1:1,000,000.
Bender, F., 1981, Geology of Burma: Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, scale: 1:2,000,000.
*Choubert, G. and Faure-Muret, A., 1976, Geological World Atlas, UNESCO, sheet 11, scale: 1:10,000,000.
Dasgupta, A. K., Ghose, A., and Chakraborty, K. K., 1993, Geological map of India: Hyderabad, Geological Survey of India, scale: 1:5,000,000.
Earth Sciences Research Division, 1977, Geological map of The Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma: Earth Sciences Research Division, Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma scale: 1:1,000,000.
Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc., 1992, ArcWorld 1:3M Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), Digital database, available from ESRI, Redlands, CA, scale: 1:3,000,000.
*JEBCO Seismic Ltd., compilers, 1984, Geological world atlas U.S.S.R. and surrounding areas: extract from the Geological World Atlas, sheets 10 through 13, Commission for the Geological Map of the World/UNESCO, scale: 1:10,000,000.
*Ghose, A., Chatterjee, D., and Bannerjee, J., 1990, Geological map of South and East Asia: Commission for Geological Map of the World, Subcommission for South and East Asia, UNESCO, scale: 1,5,000,000.
Klett, T. R., Ahlbrandt, T. S., Schmoker, J. W., and Dolton, G. L., 1997 Ranking of the world's oil and gas provinces by known petroleum volumes: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-463, one CD-ROM.
Wirtz, D., Muhlfeld, R., Weippert, D., and Wittekindt, H., compilers, 1964, Geological map of Afghanistan Central and Southern Part: Hanover, Geological Survey of the Federal Republic of Germany, and Afghanistan Geological and Mineral Survey (Kabul), scale: 1,000,000.
Wittekindt, H., and Weippert, D., Compilers, 1973, Geological map of Central and Southern Afghanistan: Hanover, Geological Survey of the Federal Republic of Germany, scale: 1:500,000.
* Used with the permission of UNESCO
The attributes and contact data were reviewed by U. S. Geological Survey scientists only. Accuracy and source of attribute data is further described in the introduction on map.